RoyalOHM 470 ohm 1/8W 1% Metal Film Resistor ReviewProduct has been kindly sponsored by
product specificationsGeneral
Type: Resistor (Metal Film) Architecture: For all electronics Style: MF-12 Resistance: 470Ω Tolerance: ± 1% Lead Reading: RoHs Lead Free Colour Coding: EIA Standard Variants: Normal or Flame Retardant Type Temperature Coefficient of Resistance: ± 50 Short-time Overload: ΔR/R ≤ ± (0.5%+0.05 Ω), with no evidence of mechanical damage. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: With no evidence of flashover, mechanical damage, arcing or insulation breakdown. Pulse Overload: ΔR/R ≤ ± (1%+0.05), with no evidence of mechanical damage. Terminal Strength: No evidence of mechanical damage. Resistance to Soldering Heat: ΔR/R ≤ ± (1%+0.05 Ω), with no evidence of mechanical damage. Solderability: Coverage must be over 95%. Resistance to Solvent: No deterioration of protective coating and markings. |
Wire Type: Copper Plated
Rapid Change of Temperature: ΔR/R ≤ ± (1%+0.05 Ω), with no evidence of mechanical damage. Load Life in Humidity: ΔR/R ≤ ± 1.5% Load Life: ΔR/R ≤ ± 1.5% Hardware Features 1. Made with a nichrome resistor element, providing stable performance in various environments. 2. Covered with multiple layers of epoxy on vacuum-deposited metal film for superior moisture protection. Power Operating Voltage: 200 volts (maximum) Operating Current: Can vary depending on the voltage. Power Rating at 70°C: 1/8W (0.125W) Maximum Overload Voltage: 400 volts Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 400 volts Weight and Size Dimensions Product Weight: < 0g Product Size (L x W x H): 56.35 x 1.79 x 1.79 mm Lead Diameter: ≈ 0.41 mm Resistor Capsule Dimensions (L x W): 3.01 x 1.79 mm |
product reviewA similar resistor has been reviewed before but with a 1/4W power rating, however, with this resistor having a 1/8W rating, it is much smaller for narrower spaces since it can take up less power. This resistor is also particularly good for a multitude of purposes due to its:
1. Low noise and voltage coefficient, making this resistor handy for circuits requiring high amounts of resistance accuracy. 2. Low temperature coefficient range, proving that the environmental temperature factor doesn't play a role in affecting resistance. 3. Small size, which includes its thin legs and small capsule size for inserting it into breadboards or PCBs with smaller hole sizes. 4. Cheap price for its quality, manufactured by RoyalOHM but distributed directly from Tayda Electronics. Datasheet
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